Special Needs


The Special Needs & Disability ministry desires to come alongside families with children or adults with special needs or disabilities for encouragement and support. We teach and care for children according to their needs to help them thrive at church and to know God and walk in His ways. We support families in difficult life circumstances by caring for them when there is a need (meals, babysitting, home projects, etc..)

Our Sunday morning special needs class is a safe, loving environment where everyone is accepted. We believe that God’s Word is for all, and we tailor our teaching methods to best suit each individual’s ability. Join us for a fun-filled morning of learning, love, and music.

Our buddy program provides personalized support and companionship for each of our special needs students. Trained volunteers are paired with students to offer guidance, assistance, and friendship throughout the morning.

If you have any questions or need additional information please contact us at specialneeds@faithcommunitychurch.org

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19-20 

How can I help?

  • There are currently various opportunities to serve as a one-on-one buddy or a general classroom helper on Sunday mornings (training provided!)
  • Sign up to be notified when there are needs to care for families through meals, babysitting, home projects, outreach, prayer, etc.
  • Serve at periodic drop-off events, where you can love on the kids we serve and their awesome siblings
  • Pray for the families we serve and the volunteers as we seek to best know how to love them

For more information about serving, please contact us.