What is Adventure Club?
This Fall we will kick off a new Wednesday night children’s ministry called Adventure Club for children grades K–6 (5-11 years old). In Adventure Club we will be teaching our children systematic theology of the Bible.
Topics cover:
- The Church, the Bible, and the End Times (year 1)
- Man, Sin, and Salvation (year 2)
- The Trinity (year 3)
Adventure Club offers a fun way to learn more about the Bible through memorizing verses, earning pins, playing games, singing songs.
Adventure Club will meet Wednesday in the lower school building at Cherokee Christian School, from 6-8pm.

(K-1st grade or ages 5-6*)
Our little Trackers will join Tracker and Lucy as they trek through the word of God to try and find out the purpose of the church, the truth of the Bible, and the good news of Jesus Christ.

(2nd-3rd grade or ages 7-8*)
Our sprouting Scouts will follow Scout and Sally on an incredible journey to explore God’s design for the church, the clarity of God’s living word, and the wonderful truth that Jesus Christ died to save sinners from the wrath of God.

(4th-6th grade or ages 9-11*)
Our trained Trailblazers will accompany Blaze and Amelia on an amazing adventure to uncover the mystery of the church, the hidden truths of Scripture, and the awesome wonders of the cross of Jesus Christ.
* Age is based on the age of your child on September 1, 2022
Each week our Adventure Club Kids will HEAR the word of God proclaimed, SING the truth of Scripture, MEMORIZE verses from the Bible, and PLAY games with each other as we gather together. Adventure Club is intended to be a time of evangelizing our children and encouraging our parents as we edify one another through the truth of God’s word.
Adventure Club offers opportunities for you to serve our families and have an impact in the lives of the children. If you have a desire to help serve in the Adventure Club, please click here to contact Brian Irby here.
How do I Join the Adventure?
To join the Adventure Club, please click on the link below. Registration will be $50 per child for the entire year, and will include the Adventure Club Kid’s Book, Satchel, and Nametag.

Adventure Club Kids Book
The Adventure Club Kids Book contains the individualized adventure story for the children. There are 7 chapters to the story (one for each review week) and each story is written to be age appropriate. Inside you will also find the memory verses for each lesson as well as the lesson titles associated with the Teacher Book. Games, activities, or notes accompany each lesson and are a fun way to reinforce the teaching and help AC kids memorize their memory verses each week. Download a Sample

Adventure Club Kids Satchel
The Adventure Club Kids Satchel is a fun way for the AC kids to store their belongings as well as display their trading pins. This satchel will hold the Kids Book as well as a standard size Bible. The satchel can be zipped closed at the top and has a zipper pocket inside that can hold writing utensils or anything else you need to be prepared for Adventure Club. This satchel is well made and extremely durable, lasting an AC kid through the entire program and years to come.

Adventure Club Kids Nametag

Trading Pins
The Adventure Club Trading Pins Set is an 8-pack of pins that have all of the main Adventure Club characters as well as Mr. Morrie and an Adventure Club logo pin. Use these to award pins to your AC kids or leaders that are in specific groups. This pin pack can easily be split amount multiple people and is not specific to the Adventure Club year or story.