College & Career


This ministry is focused upon shepherding and discipling young adults as they begin to work out their salvation and develop into godly men and women. Through weekly Bible studies, regular fellowship events and seasonal retreats, the College & Career Ministry offers plenty of opportunities for young adults to plug into the life of the church, deepen their faith, and reach out to others with the love of Christ.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,  for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Phillipians 2:12b-13


We meet weekly for Bible study and discipleship on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM in room 203 at the FCC building.


This is a weekly evangelistic ministry that meets on Kennesaw State University’s Kennesaw campus. This ministry centers around the exposition of God’s word and discussion on how His truth shapes the way college students live their lives on campus.

seasonal retreats

We partner with and gather with like-minded churches to encourage one another at the fall Devoted Conference each year.

Our Pilgrim Songs

The student ministry bands have recorded and released original music under the name Our Pilgrim Songs as they study through books of the Bible. They have written and recorded songs covering Phillipians, Ephesians, Hebrews 9-13, John 14-17, and 1 Peter. 

Caleb Byrd

Caleb Byrd

Director of Student Ministries

Questions about our College & Career Ministry? Contact us.

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